Help Marshall See Without Pain

We are partnering with Greater Good Charities to help us raise money for one of our medical cases. Marshall, the German Shepherd, arrived at National Mill Dog Rescue with two different conditions that made his eyes very painful and created very low visibility....

2019 Halloween Pet Costume Contest

Here at National Mill Dog Rescue, we love the holidays!  It gives us the chance to spend quality time with those we love, while also giving back to the community.  Did we mention we also love to dress up our pups?  This year, we’ve chosen a very special...

Citation Explanation

 A Message to our Donors and Friends,   National Mill Dog Rescue was cited in July by Colorado state inspectors for violations in our practices during a 13-month period from November 2017 through January 2019.   As founder and executive director, I...

Diary of a Dog: Trip the Intrepid

This Thing Called Freedom August 7, 2018   Hello! Let me introduce myself. My name is Trip. It’s kind of a funny name but it suits me well because I only have three legs. I have a sense of humor about that because it makes me extra-special and nobody’s perfect,...

Mission Accomplished!

  The only thing that is certain on rescue is that things will change. There’s a tremendous amount of communication that goes into coordinating a rescue and the bigger the rescue, the more work there is up front to put it all together. Invariably, things...

How (and why) we do what we do

We are often asked how we get the dogs we rescue and why breeders would surrender them to us.  Please bear with me, as this is no short story.  Since day one, the National Mill Dog Rescue journey has been a life changing experience for me in so many...

Make Your Tax-Deductible Donation Now

As 2018 revs up, it isn’t too early to make a tax-deductible donation to help us bring more dogs HOME to FREEDOM! Your ongoing support has helped National Mill Dog Rescue save more than 12,500 dogs, but there are so many more that are still waiting… We are...

We’re Top-Rated!

National Mill Dog Rescue has been honored with one of the first Top-Rated Awards of 2016 from GreatNonprofits! You can read inspiring reviews about us … and we encourage you to add your own here. Save Save Save Save Save

2014 Annual Report – National Mill Dog Rescue

Dear friends, At the end of December, we were closing in on 10,000 dogs rescued since our beginning in 2007. Hard to believe! It has been a backbreaking, often distressing journey, yet the most deeply rewarding experience of a lifetime. None of our successes have come...