Hold an Event

Are you looking to help out the National Mill Dog Rescue and make a meaningful difference in the lives of hundreds of dogs? Hosting a fundraiser is a great way to do just that! By taking the initiative to organize an event, you can raise awareness and funds for NMDR from anywhere in the world. We appreciate your support so very much – THANK YOU!

Please fill out the form below to provide the details of your event.


Click here to print branded NMDR collateral for your event!



    Today' Date

    Planned Event Date


    Type of Event
    FundraiserAdoption Event

    Please provide more explanation regarding event.

    Will there be other organizations there? Please List

    Contact Information





    Event Details

    Anticipated Audience / Participation

    Full Description of Fundraiser Event and Associated Activities

    NMDR Involvement

    Advertising/promotion through NMDR social media platforms

    Be aware event venues may require additional formalities in order to approve dogs on location. In addition, our adoption events are scheduled well ahead of time and we may not be able to support bringing dogs. Please identify what steps you have taken to have dogs approved for this event.Mbr/>Note: All promotional materials (flyers, posters, etc.) must be submitted and approved by NMDR before distribution or posting.

    Details of NMDR involvement required

    Thank you so much for your work to develop this event to benefit the dogs at National Mill Dog Rescue. You can expect a response within 72 hours.


    Looking to adopt a dog, start here!

    Buy a Kuranda Bed

    Kuranda Shelter Beds are purchased by donors for the shelter. These are manufactured in the USA and shipped directly to NMDR.


    Make a difference, start here!


    Support our mission, start here!

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