
National Mill Dog Rescue – Affiliates

We are fortunate to have the support of the following businesses. By purchasing through the following NMDR affiliates, you are helping raise money to rescue and care for puppy mill dogs.

For every new Chewy shopper who uses our special link to order, NMDR will get $15 back from Chewy. What a great way to help our dogs and your pets! If you’re a Chewy shopper, share this with someone who isn’t. Just click the image to shop for your pets and our dogs! Many tail wags are headed your way in advance!

Did you know that when you grocery shop at King Soopers or City Market, your purchase will help raise money for National Mill Dog Rescue? Just go to or, register your loyalty card, and click Community Rewards under My Account. Search for us by name or our unique code: EG905.

Support National Mill Dog Rescue while walking your dog! Download the free ‘Walk for a Dog’ app (available for both iPhones and Android), select National Mill Dog Rescue as your shelter/rescue and they will make a donation to NMDR based on the number of people walking and total miles walked. Get the app at




Looking to adopt a dog, start here!

Buy a Kuranda Bed

Kuranda Shelter Beds are purchased by donors for the shelter. These are manufactured in the USA and shipped directly to NMDR.


Make a difference, start here!


Support our mission, start here!

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